When we experience intense emotions and we do not fully process them, these emotions stay trapped in our body. Trapped Emotions® are literally balls of energy that are vibrating at different frequencies depending on the emotion.
Yes! Typically, Trapped Emotions® are the common denominator of every disease process. Trapped Emotions® are the underlying cause of 90% of all pain we have! The body presents pain as an indicator that something is unbalanced.
No. It simply is an emotion that was not faced, accepted, and then let go in the moment that it arose. When things are put on the “back burner” to be dealt with later, they often don’t get moved back to the frontline.
Also, it is important not to “focus” on the Trapped Emotion®. It is important to just let it go! More than likely, it was something that was trapped and was unintentional. For example: Abandonment at age of 4 “could be” I wanted mom to play with me and she was making supper. Simple. . .trapped. . .weighing. . .
The Emotion Code® is the first level of certification. It is a healing technique designed to help users identify and literally release Trapped Emotions® -- which are harmful emotional energies from unprocessed emotions of past events. Trapped Emotions® may cause feelings of depression and anxiety and may also block people from love and happiness, making them feel disconnected from others. Trapped Emotions are made of energy just like the rest of the body and they exert an influence on the physical tissues. We know that this can cause acute discomfort and believe that it may cause potential disease. Releasing Trapped Emotions can create the proper conditions for the body to heal – so physical and emotional difficulties may disappear or become much more manageable.
It IS possible to heal your own energy as well as that of the past when you release Inherited Trapped Emotions®. How peaceful it is when you balance body, mind, and soul. Are you ready to let go of the pain? Release fear. Embrace hope. Heal!
The Body Code® is the second level of certification. This system is designed to help identify and correct energy imbalances that could cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems. A lot of it deals with the health of the body, where we release trapped emotional baggage and correct blocked energy. There is a physical side as well where we look for various imbalances in 6 different systems:
Achieve energetic balance when you remove Trapped Emotions®, internalized
trauma & more.
Achieve physical balance by identifying issues in organs, glands, muscles, body
systems & how they connect.
Identify heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation and other toxins that
may be throwing off your body’s balance.
Identify fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, or parasitic invaders that may wreak havoc on
your body from the inside out.
Support the proper function of bones, nerves, connective tissues, and alignment.
Find herbs & nutrients, exercise and lifestyle habits your body is asking for.
We address these according to whatever your body presents as the highest need.
Basically, this work is all about removing imbalance to and allowing conditions to be
right for the body to restore its own health.
The Belief Code® is the third level of certification. This program helps us to identify faulty core beliefs and identity. It helps us understand how faulty beliefs come about and the associations attached to them. Releasing the imbalances associated within the body (Body Code®) and releasing the trapped emotions (Emotion Code®) associated with them, allows us to release the faulty core beliefs and the faulty core identity (Belief Code®).
Make no mistakes, it is a healing journey. It is personal. It is step by step. There is no substitute for the uniqueness of your journey. There are no two people alike. There is no shortcut. It is typically not a one and done. It did not come about overnight and more than likely will not go away overnight. But please know, it is the quickest way to a healthier you.
We build Heart-Walls, one brick at a time. When something happens in life that is painful, we want to protect our heart by building a “wall” around it. Each brick we put in place is for “protection”. What we once needed for protection is not longer the case. A Heart-Wall® hampers the ability to give and receive love. It contributes to feelings of isolation. It creates feelings of depression and other problems. It interferes with friendships, relationships, and your overall outlook on life. We can work together at tearing down your Heart-Wall® one emotion at a time.
Also know as applied kinesiology, muscle testing is a way to access information from the body and subconscious mind. It can be used to answer questions about physical, mental, and emotional well being. It is noninvasive and designed to determine the potential of underlying causes of ailments and discomfort – everything from nutritional needs to Trapped Emotions®. We can tap into our subconscious mind by asking yes/no questions and check the body’s response. Our subconscious mind makes up 98% of WHO we are! It has kept record of everything we have experienced from the day of conception.
Once an emotion has been identified and released, it is GONE! The frequency
of this particular emotion will never return as we cannot recreate the situation that
allowed it to be trapped. Much like running a magnet over a magnetic strip on a
credit card. It is erased! Gone! There may be another emotion under that "umbrella" that is similar, but never the same one with the same frequency. After each release, I am diligent about asking if it has been released.
Each person processes information differently. Some will have immediate
relief describing it as if a huge weight has been lifted off of their shoulders. For
others, a physical ailment is immediately gone. Some will be tired and want to take
a quick nap to reset. Some people may experience some emotional feelings as they
are releasing. The integration is so individualized -- it can be immediate, it can take
Sessions vary in length. They last anywhere from 20 up to 50 minutes. Add
on time (each additional 15 minutes will be charged accordingly). Appointments are scheduled for 60 minutes. One hour appointments leaves room for processing, resetting, asking questions, and wrapping up.
No! It is non-toxic and it is non-invasive! You do NOT need to relive the
situation that caused the Trapped Emotion® in the first place. You do not even
need to mention the traumatic or disturbing event. Honestly, it is so simplified that
it is almost unbelievable.
Yes! I have seen great progress in many domesticated pets. See TESTIMONIALS for details.
When the Trapped Emotions® are being released, the energy needs to
escape. Sometimes it is through letting the energy escape through a yawn. So instead of saying "excuse me", it is more appropriate to say, "Thank you"!
Yes, I am one of the biggest skeptics! I have a few personal stories to share, if
you care to know more. It is hard not to believe when it happens TO you. It is hard
not to believe when it happens right before your eyes! See TESTIMONY FROM A SKEPTIC (ME) for more details on this.
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