What is this all about? Do I have Trapped Emotions®? Muscle Testing (MT) showed yes. We ALL have Trapped Emotions® -- I located “Abandonment”. REALLY? Out of 5,002 emotions, this would have been 10,004.
Although MT showed that I did not need to have any more information to release this, I had a gut feeling and wanted to test it out. (Typically, gut feelings are very accurate). I located the age of
18 months. Most people do not have memories from such a young age, but this was my first memory. I was in the hospital (after a very bad, accidental, 3rd degree burn). I wanted to know WHO abandoned me. Was it my mother? Yes. My father? Yes. My brother? Yes. My sister? Yes. My entire nuclear
family? Yes! WHAT?
Interestingly enough, to my 18 month-old self, it felt like abandonment. Was it truly abandonment? No! It was truly simple! Back in the day, 50+ years ago, visiting hours at the hospital were over and my family needed to leave. I remember my mother waiting at the door 15 minutes before the visiting hours began begging to get in. I can only imagine what this was like for her. Whether it was true or not to the reality of the world, it was true to me, I had been abandoned!
Well, let’s get rid of this. A simple clearing of 3 swipes and it felt like the weight of the world had been released off of my shoulders. INCREDIBLE. Unbelievable! A little less skeptical, but must try it again. Let's work on this nagging pain in my right shoulder.
This dull ache had been in my right shoulder for about 8 years. I wondered if it had to do with Trapped Emotions®. MT showed that this was true. This pain in my shoulder had been so bad that I actually went to see a medical doctor (not something I take lightly). I was told it was a torn rotator cuff and
needed surgery. I went for a second opinion and was told if I didn’t have surgery that it would end up being a Frozen Shoulder. Not wanting to have surgery, I opted for physical therapy. After going through all that I could, I was able to gain more range of motion than I had, however, I still could not lift my elbow higher than my shoulder and could not get my hand above my head. I could not reach back to hook my own bra. . . I was very limited. There was a constant dull ache. It never went away. It got worse as the day wore on and my body was tired. I had learned how to live with the pain. After locating an age (7.5 years earlier). I had an idea of what was the onset (going backwards in time is fairly easy to do). Knowing what the event was/is not important. I tested my idea and it was spot on! It was exactly 7.5 years earlier—almost to the day! I asked if I could release it. Yes. A simple 3 swipes as well as locating 4 more emotions and it was gone. I could lift my elbow above my shoulder. I could lift my hand above my head. And for the first time in 7.5 years, I could reach back and hook my own bra! Amazing. Simply, amazing.
All of this was done while traveling in the car across country. My husband looked at me as if I were crazy as I was making movements and “testing” it out. I did not want to share this with anyone, as I was still skeptical. Three days later, the dull ache in my shoulder was still completely gone, and I decided that it would be “safe” to share it. It was!
I ’m here to tell you, it works! It TRULY WORKS!
Cats. Not my favorite animal due to being allergic to their dander. They know this. Honestly, instinctively, they do know this! Friends that have cats say, "Wow, they never come around other humans" as their beloved pet is making a figure 8 around my feet with their tails wrapping upward to my knees. Then my friends look at me in a strange manner as to why I'm not petting their cat.
When I explain that I'm highly allergic to the dander, they quickly grab their pet and apologize. The truth of the matter is that if I do not touch the cat and do not touch my face, I'm fine. If I do happen to get a hair on my face, swelling happens until I do not have a bridge to my nose. The clear membrane on my eyes swells so much that I cannot even close my eyelids. It is painful (and quite ugly). I need to shower and then give my body time (24 hours) to drain.
I had a friend who needed childcare for one child as she took the other one to an appointment. Of course. They have cats. She is a clean person and her house is immaculate. But, she has cats. I was on the floor with her toddler, we were reading books, we were doing the army crawl. She returned after 2 hours. my system was a mess. I had a runny nose, sneezing, no bridge to my nose, eyes were forced open and swollen. I headed home. Six miles into my 12 mile drive, my throat began to swell. I was having a hard time breathing! I could not stop sneezing. I was a hot mess.
Should I go to the Urgent Care? It was also 6 miles away. Well, practitioner, help yourself. I pulled over to a parking lot and muscle tested. Trapped emotions? Yes! I started clearing and within a handful of emotions, I was better. These traced back to my farm life and feral cats. I so wanted to pet them and give them love. They wanted nothing to do with me. Seriously? Those trapped emotions had kept me captive all these years. My throat opened up, my eyes started draining, my sneezing stopped. It was crazy quick and quite amazing.
I went back to babysit again for this friend a couple of weeks later. The cat decided to sit on the arm of the rocking chair, proceeded to the headrest of the chair, dropped down lake a shawl around my neck, and swiftly swayed his tail across my face (baby was sleeping in my arms and you NEVER wake a sleeping baby). All was good. 2.5 hours and not a single reaction to her cat.
A few weeks later, I went to another friends house. Her cat loves me. I reached down to pet her and she was quite surprised (as I never pet her). Shocked, she let me continue to pet her and then started biting me as in "leave me alone". My friends were also shocked at my ability to pet their cat for the first time ever. Emotion Code®/Body Code® does it work? Ummm, pretty much a hands down and resounding YES!
I have had severe sensitivity to chemicals since living in a home with mold for the better part of a year (many years ago). I was to the point where I could no longer work in Corporate America because I could not control the environment in which I worked. From the chemicals used to clean the offices, my co-workers, clients, etc. I eventually came home to work as the smell of these chemicals would shut my system down! My hands and feet would lose feeling; they were numb. If I were driving down interstate and a diesel truck would drive by, I would have to pull over to the shoulder and take a nap. While working from home, if anyone came, they could not have used any perfume, cologne, dryer sheets, hairspray, shampoo, deodorant, etc. If a delivery person made a delivery, the package could not come in the house as it has "smells" from the truck. I truly became the "girl in the bubble". I became a prisoner in my own home! We put a filter system on our entire house. I was healed of the severity of my chemical allergies. For that, I'm thankful! But, if there is a huge exposure, I'm a sinking ship. I had gone on vacation with a friend. Met her at our location. Unfortunately, she did not realized about my chemical allergies of days gone by. She had a very strong presence of dryer sheets on her clothing! We were in close proximity and would be for 3 days.
Needless to say, it gave me the opportunity to work on trapped emotions around these allergies. I did a clearing for a handful of emotions and was able to make it through our vacation without being a an entire mess. For this, I'm grateful! There is still more work to be done. But, again, my entire system did not shut down, and we were side by side for 3 FULL days.
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