Sara T (14)
On my second visit. I asked Jodi if I could share something with her. She, said of course! I let her know that one session with her utilizing the ECBC was more powerful than 14 cognitive therapy sessions combined! I am finally getting somewhere!
MARY B. (74)
I have worked in the field of mental health my entire life. Recently retired, I decided to work on myself a bit. I had heard of The Emotion Code® and thought that this might be a game changer. Indeed it was. It truly is a modern day healing. I'm so happy that I found you.
SARA D. (43)
My four children had been exposed to a very toxic relationship with a family member that left an imprint on each of them in a different way. Jodi offered to work on each one of them individually. I sat in on the sessions just to be a support and comfort. It was interesting how EACH of them processed it completely different and had an entirely different set of emotions he/she had trapped. The kids are all doing much better after just one session each. They are doing well emotionally, physically, spiritually. They are all sleeping sound through the night without nightmares. THANK YOU! The work you do is amazing!
LYNN H. (64)
Thanks to The Emotion Code®, I have been able to release many trapped emotions, some since childhood, some recent ones like depression because of current world situations. Others had to do with my Dad's illness and his death (25 years ago) and it was very freeing to let those go. After a session of working on my Heart Wall, I actually feel happy! I usually don't feel happy so this is a new thing! My husband can attest to the fact that I am calmer and have more patience, especially dealing with my Mom who has dementia. It is very freeing to be able to release emotions that I never knew were there but have affected me mentally and physically. This is a time to be as healthy as possible, and this has helped immensely. Thanks Jodi!
JULIE L. (56)
I just wanted to give you a quick update on my shoulder. I have got to admit that I was skeptical about The Emotion Code®. Your stories were amazing but just didn’t think it would work for me. Boy was I wrong. My shoulder feels amazing. I had a busy day yesterday – worked over 9 hours with a lot of changing games and a lot of shoulder movements. I was able to sleep on my right side last night for the first time with no pain. Thank you Jodi!
AMY M. (51)
I have not been able to turn my head from side to side for over 4 years. When we completed my first session, by the end, I could turn my head. I am so excited to be able to drive my car and to be able see if someone is along side of me without needing to turn my entire body! Look! I can also put my head all the way back and look at the ceiling! AMAZING! AND, oh my, I can breathe without my inhaler. Told the doctor that I did not need refills on this RX! WOOT!
SANDY T. (50)
Husband said that I am a lot more loving after my last session. I’m not quite sure what that means?! Perhaps it is like you shared, the energy that I put off has a better reception for him. Definitely not as many barbed wire snags. Nonetheless, I LOVE the way that I feel and the difference it has made. It has made our marriage so much better! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
We came to Jodi, not quite knowing what to expect. Johnny is 3 years old and an only child. Although he has great cognitive skills and amazing manual dexterity, he was unable to verbally communicate. He has one word in his vocabulary -- "DADDA". Our Case Manager had referred him off to have speech therapy. Skeptically, we thought we had nothing to lose and should give The Emotion Code® a try. One session. Just one session. Johnny slept soundly after the session and for a great length longer than he normally does. When he work up, much to our surprise (and his), he was speaking in full sentences! Amazing. Absolutely amazing!
TRACY B. (41)
I had Covid. All of the symptoms. Fever, sore throat, body aches. I met with Jodi on my 3rd day of symptoms to work with my son. At the end of the session, I asked if she could also help me in anyway. She said she had a full day of appointments, but she would fit me in to work on me with my permission throughout the day. I was in bed all day. At 9pm I got out of bed. I glanced at my phone to see Jodi had sent over the notes from my session. I opened my phone to read through the notes as I sat on the edge of my bed. I felt a shiver run through my body. I went to bed peacefully after this and woke the next morning with very mild cold symptoms. I believe what Jodi is gifted to do can help all. I am grateful her information came into my life when it did and I'm excited to continue the journey with her to live our family's best life possible.
SAMMI L. (8): Dog
She now knows that she is a dog and has started playing with others!
MOCHA D. (5): Dog
SO, Mocha. My mystery girl. She is SO much better after being worked on. Mocha is finally comfortable in her own fur!
She use to get so anxious about anything happening in the house, in the yard, or anywhere around her. She would have a "snotty" nose and it would just bubble and foam. She would want to be right next to me to gain comfort. She would not want to walk on the grass. Now, for the most part, she gets her reassurance from her humans and then heads out to do her "business." She no longer gets the snotty nose -- not even at the vet or the groomer!
She was at the dog park (off leash) shortly after being worked on with The Emotion Code®. Normally, she'd take Belah's (our other dog) lead and follow her around. Since Belah passed, she would hide behind my legs, run for about 6-10 feet and then come back to hide behind my leg again. That day, she got off leash and just ran. She RAN! She ran like a dog, played with other pups like a dog. Played with BIG dogs (75-100 pounds). She played with little dogs (5-8 pounds). She tried to protect another dog who was being herded by a herding dog. It was wild to see this out of my 23 pound Cocker Spaniel! SHE IS A DOG! It is so much fun to see her be what God created her to be. It saddens me about her abuse prior to being rescued. It is so nice to have The Emotion Code® and The Body Code® to work through this with her.
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